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Cleaning the Bay

Why Oysters Matter for the Chesapeake Bay

Oysters are vital to the health of the Chesapeake Bay. As natural filter feeders, they improve water quality by filtering out pollutants, excess nutrients, and sediments from the water. A single oyster can filter up to 50 gallons of water per day, making them essential for maintaining a clean and balanced aquatic environment. By restoring oyster populations, ACRE Investment Management is not only helping to clean the Bay’s waters but also promoting the overall health and resilience of the ecosystem.

Enhancing Ecosystems and Supporting Economies

A Multi-Benefit Solution
for the Chesapeake Bay

The Oyster Carbon project by ACRE Investment Management demonstrates how restoring oyster populations can address multiple environmental and economic challenges simultaneously. By creating natural carbon sinks, supporting marine biodiversity, and driving local economic growth, this project is a powerful example of sustainable restoration in action.

Carbon Sequestration

Oysters absorb CO2, turning it into natural carbon sinks.

Biodiversity Support

Reefs provide critical habitats for diverse marine life.

Economic Impact

The project boosts local jobs in oyster farming and reef restoration.

"It was a brave man who first ate an oyster."

Jonathan Swift